2007/2008. I. félév

Európa 16. századi képzőművészete. Előadás – Mün-260

Ágoston Julianna


Szeptember 7.: Leonardo da Vinci, a terza maniera kezdeményezőjének mintaéletrajza, retorikai és legendás elemek Giorgio Vasari Leonardo-életrajzában

Szeptember 21.: Leonardo és a tudomány. Leonardo rajzairól

Szeptember 28. Leonardo velencei recepciója

Október 5.: Árkádia Velencében – a pasztorál

Október 12.: Altdorfer és a germán vadon

Október 19.: A reneszánsz oltárképek – új jelenségek, módszertani problémák

Október 26.: 1. sz. esettanulmány: Fra Bartolommeo Carondelet-oltára

November 2.: őszi szünet

November 9.: 2. sz. esettanulmány: a Folignoi Madonna

November 16.: X. Leó Rómája I.: Roma invicta, a Sala dell’Incendio

November 23.: X. Leó Rómája II.: Roma rinata,”Raffaello bibliája” és a groteszk falfestészet

November 30.: Bellissima donna, petrarkizmus a 16. századi festészetben

December 7.: Maniera, manierizmus – mai fogalmaink eredetéről

December 14.: A Kolosszus


Általánosan kötelező irodalom:


Freedberg, S: Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge Mssachusetts, 1961


Freedberg, S: Observations on the Painting of the Maniera, in: The Art Bulletin, 1965


Freedberg, S: Painting in Italy 1500–1600. Pelican History of Art, Harmondsworth 1970


Kaufmannn, G.: Die Kunst des 16. Jahrhunderts, Propylean Kunstgeschischte, Berlin, 1970


Shearman, J.: Mannerism, Penguin Books, 1967


Smyth, C.H.: Mannerism and Maniera, New York, 1962


Friedlaender, W.: Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting, New York, 1965


Württenberger: Der Manierismus, Wien, 1962


Bousquet, J.: La peinture du manierisme, Paris, 1963


Miedema, H.: On Mannerism and Maniera, in: Simiolus, 1978–79


Gombrich, E.: Mannerism: Historiographic Background, in: Gombrich: Norm and Form, New York, 1966/1971/1978


Gombrich, E.: The Renaissance Theory of Art and the Rise of Landscape, in: Gombrich: Norm and Form, Studies in the Art of the Renaissance, Phaidon, London and New York, 1966/1971/1978


Gombrich, E.: The Style all’antica: Imitation and Assimilation, in: Gombrich: Norm and Form, Studies in the Art of the Renaissance, Phaidon, London and New York, 1966/1971/1978


Pope-Hennessy, J.: Italian High Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture, Phaidon Press, 1963


Poeschke, J.: Michelangelo and His World, New York, 1996


Rosand, D.: Painting in Cinquecento Venice. Titian, Veronese, Tintoretto, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1982, /1997


Hall, Marcia: After Raphael. Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1999


Panofsky, E: The Neoplatonic Movement and Michelangelo, in: Panofsky, E: Studies in Iconology, 1962 (magyar ford.: in Enigma, IX., 2002, 33. sz.)


Jones, R. and Penny, N.: Raphael, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1993


Oberhuber, Konrad: Raphael. The Paintings, Munich – London – New York, 1999


Magyar nyelven:


Klaniczay Tibor: A manierizmus, Budapest, 1975


Hauser Arnold: A modern művészet és irodalom eredete. A manierizmus fejlődése a reneszánsz válsága óta, Budapest, 1980, (a II. rész: A Manierizmus története)


Kelényi György: Manierizmus, Budapest, 1995


Dvořák, M.: A művészet szemlélete, Budapest, 1980


Az olasz manierizmus

Greco és a manierizmus


Gombrich, E.: Reneszánsz tanulmányok, Budapest, 1985. (A Leonardo- és Raffaello-tanulmányok)


Chastel, A.: Fabulák, formák, figurák, válogatott tanulmányok, Gondolat, Budapest, 1984


Maszk, maskarádé, mascarone

Michelangelo ignudói

Az utánzás elve a reneszánszban

Két fügeág

Tiziano és a humanisták

„Ardita capra”

Leonardo da Vinci és a kultúra


Clark, K.: Leonardo da Vinci, Corvina, Budapest, 1982


Tolnay Károly: Michelangelo. Mű és világkép, Budapest, 1975


Tolnay Károly: Teremtő géniuszok, Budapest, 1987

Ebben a 16. sz.-i műv. vonatkozású tanulmányok:

Megjegyzések Leonardo Szent Annájához

Megjegyzések a Mona Lisához

Leonardo művészeti nézetei és eredetük

A Sixtus-kápolna boltozata

Tanulmányok a Medici-kápolnáról

Michelangelo Rondanini Pietája

Tiziano: Égi és földi szerelem

Bruegel: Ikarosz bukása

Idősebb Pieter Bruegel

A Scuola di San Roccóban levő Tintoretto-festményciklusok interpretációja

Tintoretto Paradicsoma



Az előadásokhoz felhasznált irodalom:




Rubin, Patricia: What Men Saw: Vasari’s Life of Leonardo da Vinci and the Image of the renaissance Artist, in: Art History, 1990/1


Rubin, Patricia Lee: Giorgio Vasari. Art & History, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1995 (IV. fejezet)


Cox-Rearick, Janet: The Collection of Francis I. Royal Treasures, Fonds Mercator Puiban, Antwerpen, 1995


Turner, R.: Words and Pictures: The Birth and Death of Leonardo’s Medusa, In: Arte Lombarda, 66, 1983/1


Pesci, Flavia: Il mito di Leonardo nella storiografia rinascimentale dell’Ottocento. Nuovi percorsi alle fonti della cultura simbolista francese, in: Storia dell’arte 67, 1996 maggio-agosto


Conti, Alessandro: Osservazioni e appunti sulla „vita” di Leonardo di Giorgio Vasari in: Kunst des Cinquecento in der Toscana, Bruckmannn, 199


Białostocki, Jan: Renaissance Artists as Philosophers in Meditation, in: Acta Historiae Artium, 1978


Sironi, G.- Shell, J.: Salaiand Leonardo’s Legacy in: The Burlington Magazine CXXXIII, 1055, Feb. 1991


Clark, K.: Leonardo da Vinci. An Account of his Development as an Artist, London, 1939


Brown, D.A.: Leonardo da Vinci. Origins of a Genius, Yale UniversityPress. New Haven & London, 1998


Clark, K: Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci int he Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, sec. ed. Revised by the assistance of Carlo Pedretti, I-II-III, Phaidon, London 1968


Leonardo da Vinci. Disegni Anatomisi della Biblioteca Reale di Windsor. Firenze, Palazzo Vecchio, Maggio/Settembre, 1979


Clayton, Martin: Leonardo da Vinci. A Singular Vision. Drawings from the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle. New York London Paris, 1996


Leonardo’s Legacy, an International Symposium, ed. By C.D. O’Malley, Berkely, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1969


Leonardo da Vinci. Selected Scholarship, series editor: Claire Farago, Garland Publishing Inc. New York and London, 1999


Heidenreich, L: Leonardo-Studien, München, 1988


Belt, E.: Leonardo da Vinci’s Studies of Aging Process, in: Raccolta Vinciana XVII, Milano, MCMLIV


Panofsky, E.: Artist, Scientist, Genius: Notes on the Renaissance „Dämerung”, in: The Renaissance. Six Essays, New York, 1962


Kemp, Martin: Disciple of Experience in: Leonardo da Vinci, Hayward Gallery, London, 1989


Meller, P: Quello che Leonardo non ha scritto sulla figura umana: dall’Uomo di Vitruvio alla Leda, in: Arte Lombarda, 67, 1983/4


Kemp, Martin: Il cocetto dell’”anima” in Leonardo’s Early Scull Studies, in: The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute 1971


Infeld, Leopold: Leonardo da Vinci és az alapvető természeti törvények, in: Fizikai Szemle, 1969. szept.


Gombrich, E.: Leonardo tanulmányai a víz és a levegő mozgásformáiról, in: Gombrich: Reneszánsz tanulmányok, Bp. 1985


Tolnay Károly: Megjegyzések a Mona Lisához, Megjegyzések a Szent Annához, in: Tolnay: Teremtő géniuszok, Bp.1987


Smith, Webster: Observations ont he Mona Lisa Landscape, in:The Art Bulletin, 1985 June


Clark, K.: Mona Lisa, in: The Burlington Magazine,CXV, 1973


Brown, D.A.: Leonardo and the Idealised Portrait in Milan, in: Arte Lombarda, 67, 1983/4


Rama, E: Un tentativo di rilettura della ritrattistica di Boltraffio fra Quattrocento e Cinquecento, in: Arte Lombarda, 64, 1983/1


Gombrich, E.: The Grotesque Heads, in: Gombrich, E.: The Heritage of Apelles, Phaidon, London, 1976


Kwakkelstein, M.W.: Leonardo da Vinci’s Grotesque Heads and the Breaking of the Physiognomic Mould, in: The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute 1991


Holberton, P.: recenzió – Michael W. Kwakkelstein: Leonardo as a Physiognomist: Theory and drawing practice, Primavera Press, leiden, 1994 c. könyvéről, in: The Burlington Magazine 1995 March


Trutty-Coohill, P.: The Spencer Collection of Grotesques and Caricatures after Leonardo, in: Arte Lombarda, 105, 1993


Slatkes, J.L.: Hieronymus Bosch in Italy, in: The Art Bulletin 1975 Sept.


Rabisch. Il grottesco nell’arte del Cinquecento. L’Accademia di Val di Blenio, Lomazzo e l’ambiente milanese, Museo Cantonale d’arte, Lugano, 1998


Leonardo e l’incisione. Stampe derivate da Leonardo e Bramante dal XV al XIX secolo, a cura di Clelia Alberini, Electa, Milano, 1984


Clayton, M.: Leonardo da Vinci. A singular Vision, New York, London, Paris, 1996



Leonardo és Velence


Clark, K.: Leonardo da Vinci. An Account of his Development as an Artist, London, 1939


Ringbom, S.: From Icon to Narrative, The Rise of the Dramatic Close-up in Fifteenth Century Devotional Painting, Abo, 1965


Smyth, C.H.: Venice and the Emergence of the High Renaissance in Florence: Observations and Questions,in: Florernce and Venice: Comparisons and Relations, ed. S. Bertelli, N. Rubinstein, C. H. Smyth, Florence, 1979


Białostocki,J.: „Opus Quinque Dierum”. Dürer’s „Christ amomng the Doctors and its Sources, in: The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute 1959


Leonardo e Venezia, cat. G. Nepi Scirè & P. C. Marani, Venezia, gall. Dell’Accademia, Milano, 1992


Giorgione. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studio per il V centenario della nascità, (Castelfranco Veneto 1978), Venezia 1979


Giorgione e la cultura veneta fra ’400 e ’500. Mito, Allegoria, Anelisi iconologica. Atti del convegno, Roma, 1981


Giorgiopne e l’manesimo veneziano, a cura di R. Pallucchini, Firenze, 1981


Wilde, J.: From Bellini to Titian, Oxford University Press, 1981


Le siècle de Titien. L’age d’or de la peinture a Venise, Paris, 1993


Hirst, M.: Sebastiano del Piombo, Oxford at the Clarendon press, 1981


Hirst, M.: The Kingston Lacy Judgement of Solomon – For and Against, in: The Burlington Magazine, 1986


Stedman Sheard, W.: Giorgione’s Portrait Inventions c. 1500. Transfixing the Viewer, in: Reconsidering the Renaissance. Papers from the Twenty-First Annual Conference, ed. By M.A Cesare, New York, 1992


Anderson, J.: Giorgione. Peintre de la „Brèveté Poétique”, Paris, 1996


Brown, D.A.: Andrea Solario.


Renaissance Venice and the North, Ed. By B. Aikema, B.L. Brown, London, 1999


Bellini, Giorgione, Titian and the Renaissance Venetian Painting,National Gallery of Art, Washingto & Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, ed. By D.A Brown & Sylvia Ferino Pagden, 2006





Az előző előadásban használt Giorgione tanulmányok ide vonatkozó cikkei, Továbbá:


Wittkower, R.: Giorgione and Arcady, in: Wittkower, R.: Idea and Image, Studies int he Italian Renaissance, London, 1978


Gombrich, E.: The Renaissance Theory of Art and the Rise of Landscape, in: Gombrich: Norm and Form. London & New York, 1978


Egan, P.: Poesia and the Fête Champètre, in: The Art Bulletin, 1979


Klein, R.: La Bibliothèqueder la Mirandole et le Concert Champètre, in: Klein: La forme et l’intelligible, Gallimard, Paris, 1970


Fehl, Ph.: Concert Champètre, in: Fehl: Decorum and Wit: The Poetry of Venetian Painting. Essays in the History of Classical Tradition, Irsa, Vienna, 1992


Motzkin, E.: The Meaning of Titian’s Concert Champètre in the Louvre, in: Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1990


Kilpatrick, Ross.S.: Horatian Landscape int he Louvre’s „Concert Champètre”, in: artibus et historiae no. 41 (XXI), 2000


Frings, G.: Giorgiones Landliches Conzert, Berlin, 1999


Clark, K.: Landscape into Art, London, 1949


Friedländer: Essays über die Landschaftsmalerei und andere Bildgattungen, Hague, 1947


Pächt, O.: Early Italian Nature Studies and the Early Calendar Landscape, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 1950


Tolnay, Ch.: The Music of the Universe, in: Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, 1943


Cafritz, R.C. – Gowning, L. – Rosand, D,: Places of Delight. The Pastoral Landscape, (exh. Cat. the Philips Collection in association with the National Gallery of Art Washington), London, 1988


Le siècle de Titien. L’age d’or de la peinture a Venise, Paris, 1993


„The Pastoral Landscape” – a Studies in the History of Art tematikus kötete, 1992


Saccomani, E.: Domenico Campagnola disegnatore di paesi. Dagli esordi alla prima maturita, in: Arte Veneta XXXVI, 1982


Chastel A.:  „Ardita capra”, in: Chastel: Fabulák, formák… Budapest, 1985


Campbell, L.: Notes ont he Netherlandish Picture in the Veneto in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century, in: The Burlington Magazine, 1981


Renaissance Venice and the North, Ed. By B.Aikema, B.L. Brown, London, 1999



Reneszánsz oltárképek


The Altarpiece in the Renaissance, Cambridge University Press, 1990, Ebben: Martin Kemp, S. Ferino Pagden, Chastel tanulmányai


Italian Altarpieces 1250–1550, ed. By E. Borsook and ? Gioffredi, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994


Freedberg, S.: The High Renaissance in Rome and Florence, Cambridge Massachusets, 1961


Hollingsworth, M.: Patronage int he Sixteenth century Italy, London, 1996


Rubin,P.: Il contributo di raffaello allo sviluppo della pala d’altare rinascimentale, in: Arte Cristiana 737-738, 1990


Mussakowski, R.: Raphael’s Saint Cecilia, an Iconographic Study, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 31, 1968


Preimsberger, R.: Tragische Motive in Raphael’s „Transfigurazion”, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 1987/1


Wasbinsky, Z.: „S. Luca che dipinge la Madonna All’Accademia di Roma…in: artibus et historiae no.6, 1985


Borgo,L.: The Problem of the Ferry Carondelet Altarpiece, in: The Burlington Magazine, 1971


Borgo,.L. The Works of Mariotto Albertinelli, Garland Publishing Inc. New York c London, 1976


Fischer, C.: Fra Bartolommeo. Master Draughtsman of the High Renaissance. Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1990


Fischer, C.: Remarque sur la Marriage mistique de Sainte Catherine de Sienne par Fra Bartolommeo, in: Revue de Louvre 1982/3


Ewald, G.:Die Rekonstruktion der Marienkrönungen des Carondelet-Altars,in: Kunst des Cinquecento in der Toscana, Bruckmann, 1992


Von Einem, H.: Bemerkungen zu Raphaels Madonna di Foligno, in: Studies in Late Medieval and renaissance Painting in honour of Millard Meiss, New York, 1977


Gardner von Teuffel: Raphaels Römischen Altarbilder, in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 1987/1


Schröter, E.: Raffaels Madonna di Foligno, ein Pestbild,in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 1987/1


Chastel A.: Két fügeág, in: Chastel: Fabulák, formák… Budapest, 1985


Vayer L.: L’Affresco absidiale di Pietro Cavallini nella Chiesa di S. Maria Aracoeli a Roma, in: Acta Historiae Artium 1963


Ringbom, S.: Maria in Sole and the Virgin of the Rosary, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute,1962


Meiss, M.: French Painting int he Time of Jean de Berry. The Late Fourteenth Century and the Patronage of the Duke, London – New York, 1967


Eisler, C.: The Athlets of Veretue. The Iconography of Ascetism, in: De Artibus Opuscula XL, Essays in honour of Erwin Panofsky, New York, 1961


Stefaniak, Regina: Amazing Grace. Parmigianino’s Vision of Saint Jerome in: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 1995/1


Cottrell, Philip: Corporate colors: Bonifacio and Tintoretto at the palazzo dei Camerlenghi in Venice, in: The Art Bulletin (LXXXII/4) 2000 dec.


Tozzi, Ileana: I gonfaloni perugini, testimonianza d’arte Sacra e di devozione popolare, in: Arte Cristiana 2002 (XC) jan-feb.


Oberhuber, Konrad: Raphael. The Paintings, Munich – London – New York, 1999



Roma invicta, Roma renata – Stanza dell’  Incendio


Dollmayr, H.: Raffaels Werstatte, in: Jahrbuch des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses, XVI, 1895


Hartt, F.: Raphael and Giulio Romano, with notes ont he Raphael School, in: The Art Bulletin, 1944


Oberhuber, K.: Die Fresken der Stanza dell’Incendio im werk Raphaels, in: Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, 58, 1962


Zupnik, I.L.: The Significance of the Stanza dell’Incendio. Leo x and Francis I, in.  Gazette des Beaux Arts 1972


Badt, K.: Raphael’s Incendio del Borgo, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 1959


Danbolt, Gunnar: Roma Incicta. An Interpretation of Raphael’s Incendio del Borgo, in: Institutum Romanum Norvegie. Acta ad Archeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia, vol. vii, 1989


Quednau, Rolf: La Stanza dell’Incendio – iconografia e fonti figurative, in: Arte Cristiana 1985


Cox-Rearick, J.: Dinasty and Destiny in Medici Art. Pontormo, LeoX and the two Cosimos, Princeton, 1984


Shearman, J.: The Florentine Entrata of Leo X, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institut, 1975


Shearman, J.: Raphael’s Cartoons int he Collection of Her majesty the Queen and the Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel, Pahidon, London, 1972


Rousseau, Claudia: The Yoke Impresa of leoX, in: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorishen Instituts in Florenz, XXXIII Bd. 1989/1


Lord, Carla: Raphael, Marcantonio Raimondi and Virgil, in: Source, vol. III, No.2. 1984 Winter


Vayer Lajos: Raffaello freskói a Vatikánban, Budapest, 1987


Rowland, Ingrid D.: Raphael, Angelo Colocci and the Genesis of the Architectural Orders, in: The Art Bulletin, 1994. márc.


Oberhuber, Konrad: Raphael. The Paintings, Munich – London – New York, 1999



Maniera, manierizmus…


Friedlaender, Walter: Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting, New York 1965.


Dvořák, Max: Über Greco und der Manierismnus (1920) 1928. Magyarul a Művészet szemlélete c. kötetében


Shearman, John: Mannerism, London, 1967


Shearman, John:”Maniera” as an Aesthetic Ideal, in: Studies in Western Art, The Renaissance and Mannerism, Acts of the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art, Princeton, 1963


Smyth, Craig Hugh: Mannerism and Maniera, New York, 1962


Würtenberger: Der Manierismus, 1962


Bousquet, Jacques: Le peinture du manierisme, Paris, 1963


Frey, Dagobert: Manierismus, Stuttgart, 1964


Hocke, G.R.: Die Welt als Labyrinth, Hamburg, 1957


Hauser Arnold: A modern művészet és irodalom eredete. A manierizmus fejlődése a reneszánsz válsága óta, Budapest 1980.


Le Triomphe du Maniérisme Européen, de Michel-Ange au Gréco, Rijksmuseum – Amsterdam, 1955


Hofmann, Werner: Zauber der Medusa. Europäische Manierismen, Wiener Festwochen, 1987


Fasola, G.N.: Storiografia del manierismo, in: Scritti di storia dell’arte in onore di L. Venturi, Roma, 1956


Freedberg, S.: Observations on the Painting of the Maniera, in: The Art Bulletin, 1965


Gombrich, E.:Mannerism: The Historiographic Background, in: Studies in Western Art, The Renaissance and Mannerism, Acts of the Twentieth International Congress of the History of Art, Princeton, 1963, illetve később in: Gombrich: Norm and Form… London & New York, 1978


Białostocki, J.: Manierizmus – diadala és alkonya között, in: uő.: Régi és új a művészettörténetben, Budapest, 1982


Summers, David: Contrapposto. Style and Meaning in Rernaissance Art, in: The Art Bulletin, 1977


Summers, David: Maniera and Movement. The Figura Serpentinata, in: Art Quarterly, 1972


Elkins, J.:Mannerism. Deformation of the Stage, in: Storia dell’arte, 1989


Franklin, D.: Rosso in Italy, Yale University Press, New Haven, London 1994


Anderson, Jaynie: A ’most inproper picture’. Transformations of Bronzino’s erotic Allegory, in: Apollo, 1994 feb.


Hall, M. B.: Renovation and Counter-Renovation: Vasari and Duke Cosimo in Santa Maria Novella and Santa Croce 1565–1576, Oxford, Warburg Series, 1979


Steinberg, Leo: An El Greco ’Entombment’ eyed away, in: The Burlington Magazine, 1974


Rosand, D.: Art History and Criticism: The Past as Present, in: New Literary History 1973-74


Hall, M.: After Raphael. Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1999



Óriás – kolosszusok, gigászok


Martin, Pedro Garcia: El ’Parque de los monstruos’ de Bomarzo, in: Goya 1989


Heneberg, Josephine von:Bomarzo: Nuovi dati e un’ interpretazione in: Storia dell’arte, 1972


Hartt, F.: Gonzaga Symbols int he Palazzo del Tè, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute,1950


Verheyen, E.: The Palazzo del Tè in Mantua, Baltimore 1977


Cox-Rearick, J.: Dinasty and Destiny in Medici Art. Pontormo, LeoX and the two Cosimos, Princeton, 1984


Ettlinger: Hercules  Florentinus, in: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorishen Instituts in Florenz, 1971


Forster: Metaphores of Rule…in: Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorishen Instituts in Florenz, 1971


Hennessy, John Pope: Italian Renaissance and Baroque sculpture, 1963


Poeschke, Joachim: Michelangelo and his World, New York, 1996


Würtenberger: Der Manierismus, 1962


The Arcimboldo Effect, Milano, 1987


Bentkowska, Anna: Antropomorphic Landscapes in 16th and 17th century Western Art. A Question of attribution and Interpretation, in:Biuletyn Historii Stky, LIX, 1997, 6, Nr.1-2


Enge, T. O. – Schröter, C. F.: Garden Architecture in Europe 1450–1800, Köln, 1990


Klein, H.A.: Graphic Works of Peter Bruegel the Elder, New York, 1963


Hofmann, Werner: Zauber der Medusa. Europäische Manierismen, Wiener Festwochen, 1987


Bush, Virginia: The Colossal Sculpture of the Cinquecento, Garland Series, 1976


Lowenthal, A W.: The Disgracers: Four Sinners in One Act, in: Essays in Northern European Art, Presented to E. Haverkamp Begemann on his sixtieth birthday, 1983


Strauss: Hendrick Goltzius 1558–1617. The Complete Engravings and Woodcuts, New York, 1977


Titian, Prince of Painters, Marsilio Editori, Venezia, 1990


Panofsky, E.:The Neoplatonic Movement and Michelangelo, in: Panofsky: Studies in Iconology, New York


Campbell, Malcolm: Ammanati’s Neptune Fountain, in: Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craig Hugh Smyth, Florence, 1985


Radcliffe, Anthony: Schardt, Tetrode and some possible sculptural sources for Goltzius, in: Netherlandish Mannerism, ed. Görell CavaźěU żń۸őŠ]OăQ oŕ\÷ŤŘ=Ç=MtsŰĐ-ÍžĘęÍŘqZązuë×ůUM§˙Ź^@çŠçćműŻä(_ľűłf[9=ĎĄ5Ř[dœ\œeODÇn•Ţ[>ËW^IŁű3­…ýŤŽTČă­r0ޙŽţÂóŒ÷ÁôŻ“­=}Óآšˇoäd͕í\ěóeNăďőĹṅťW#:žr;×} PŰÇ_ʅ8‚Oůő­_™ÚźŁçs@ zŸ­N§>Ç×üj’ř{ÓđÍÓÎE…eßţ (b89żZqŔĎj­´Ď^ćŚ,đŒ:rňÔĘ7[´h.1ČĹ8Řű~U˜XöţUe{Ö2rý=M*ĎĽ=Fî€ă§ů5žŮöŤJŔ}î@*œ-ú s@HǡˇĺM\ƒĎO_ń¨śŐ€˙=ŠĺńœŻ+(üö5k›vXOŽĽ[R!yŹsÜSÂônzĽRúy˜ËEďmůű˙>˙ýzĺőS’G'“ő>Ő'Ú÷‡§J˙Ăóçż×éBkÓĄŔ¤Łś§‚j0oĎ ťţq\ZiÍüJżOZőKŔIě3Ć* ëôŽŽ{/y#žM7ßü‡éúxuůGĚ99˙ ö :ÓË˙95¤.ÂryţZôŕ9p3׏j‰T}Žşyƚéň5!ĎqďŸĆşî t#Ţš%—=ľ[iG~?ÎöŮëúĆ:k{őféŸ9Ýőü+/văŰŤ?Ě 4ăúűPĽ}ş˜¸öв<ŐW´‰őäý}Ť@cjćF9Ćkhyz3 ržlp7Ń2:žőâׯ¸žs^Ó/Ę{ŸJńÏťţńÇcCR顄Ú[ďšÄK:z™úíN{UűI7‘żďůÖ ŽëĐßëZ–ů=}˙úŐr]ŁvcQ